This site does not represent State Farm, insurance agent Robin Ooley of State Farm, Robin Deleuze, Sheppard-Mullin, or presently any party other than the Old Coder, Robert Kiraly. Domain names are used under Fair Use, Nominative Use, and the provisions of ACPA. Trademark or other litigation related to domain names will be treated as malicious prosecution and/or barratry.
For contact information, privacy policy and other legal notices, scroll down.
1. Statements of Fact.
Parties who have, or claim to have, knowledge related to statements of fact that are made on this website are invited to offer comments, corrections, or clarifications.
Litigation that disregards this notice will be treated as malicious prosecution and/or barratry.
2. Privacy Policy.
This site uses standard httpd logs as well as JS code to collect information of most of the types that a web browser typically broadcasts.
The primary administrator may publicly disclose and/or reuse information collected in any manner that is deemed appropriate.
In particular:
The right to analyze, blog, post, quote, “discuss”, or otherwise distribute or make use of information collected or actions or documents or information of any type that is deemed appropriate to use is reserved and may be exercised to the maximum extent possible without further notice at any point in the future.
In short, the privacy policy is that there is no privacy.
3. Noncommercial Purposes.
There is no intention to use the original material on this, or these,
sites for commercial purposes. Allegations to the effect that this,
or these, sites contain defamatory material that is intended for
commercial purposes despite the presence of this notice will be
treated as malicious prosecution and/or barrarty.
4. COPPA Notice.
To the best of the primary administrator's knowledge, COPPA,
a law which limits the use of children's information in commercial
or similar contexts, doesn't apply to this site.
5. Contact information.
To contact OldCoder, try the email address listed below:
A phone number may be added later. Zoom meetings are by email request. In-person meetings are possible depending on proximity to airports.
There's a nice YouTube video related to OldCoder at:
OldCoder's LinkedIn is:
You can talk to OldCoder some days directly in IRC. The IRC network is:
If you're able to connect to the IRC network, try this IRC command:
/query OldCoder
OldCoder has an IRC bouncer. However, if he isn't present, don't assume that queries will necessarily be received.
6. Process Service.
OldCoder does not presently any attorney to accept service on his behalf in connection with matters related to State Farm, Sheppard-Mullin, Robin Ooley, or Susan Cappo.
7. Site technical notes.
7a. This site uses responsive code. This means that it's supposed to work on your phone.
7b. https, i.e., SSL, support is provided by Let's Encrypt.
7c. The original content on this site is under a Creative Commons license.
7d. This site is hand-written HTML5 and CSS3 plus a bit of JS and Bootstrap. Just like Grandmother used to bake it.
More about the theme:
The theme is largely OldCoder's own design. The goals
are: simple, responsive, and practical. Like OldCoder
The responsive tables are based on a nice trick documented by Chris Coyier in a 2011 CSS Tricks article.
OldCoder's version of the tables code adds support for multiple tables with different structures on the same page. Transitions are also smoother in general.